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IMPRENTA DE BILLETES S.A. already has a completely automated end of line by Inser Robótica.

The Biscayan company was chosen through public bidding in 2021. The building completed its construction in 2022 and in 2023 the process was completed with the launch of the project in the new headquarters in Vicálvaro.



The company Imprenta de Billetes, S.A., owned by the Bank of Spain, was established on November 2, 2015. This milestone marked the starting signal for the planning of the creation of a new headquarters for the manufacture of paper money in accordance with specifications. of the European Central Bank.

With the building still under construction, in 2019 the tender for packaging automation was launched, with November 2021 being the date on which Inser Robotica was the winner of the public tender for a total of 3 million euros. At that moment the countdown began to make everything projected a reality, under strict security and confidentiality measures.

The scope of the project covers the entire banknote packaging process, having to place the shrink-wrapped banknote packages inside cardboard boxes, place them on pallets, wrap the pallets, strap them to secure them and finally label each pallet. Taking into account the location of the printing presses, it was decided to place the packaging in 4 cells and transport the complete boxes to a common palletizing area.

“To ensure control of the entire process, the line has been equipped with dynamic scales and artificial vision equipment, as well as automatic labeling machines and readers of said labels along the route. Also noteworthy is the complexity of the internal communications that must be carried out in order to verify each completed stage,” adds Alberto Alonso, CEO of Inser Robotica.

The effort dedicated in recent years to create this innovative Vicálvaro production center will culminate in November 2023 with the incorporation of the rest of the staff from the old building located in the center of Madrid.