MORE visibility, MORE reach, MORE leads!

Capitalise on our extensive digital reach to boost your brand year-round!

Our community goes far beyond the two-day event. Over the years that the event has been running, we have built up an impressive database of relevant contacts. We invest a lot in cleaning, enriching and building each year for our own marketing campaigns; and we are able to give you access to this in powerful ways.
With dedicated news pages, monthly newsletters, promotional email campaigns, hosted webinars, and paid advertising through PPC campaigns, our digital advertising opportunities give you the chance to target a relevant, engaged audience of  supply chain professionals all year round.

Our team is happy to help if you have any questions about these commercial opportunities or targeting options.
Download our brochure to find out more information.

Our Community

Our far-reaching community spans across the entire supply chain: start ups, SMEs and big brand across: food & beverages, chemistry, pharma, cosmetic, automotive and more.

0 +
Unique users per year
0 +
Unique page views per year
0 +
Newsletter database
0 +
Social followers

Featured Exhibitor (Single)

Industry leaders bringing you the hottest and latest innovations.

Digital channels

Our variety of marketing channels allows you to advertise your brand across an array of digital platforms.

Website advertising

Email advertising

Social advertising

PPC campaigns

Featured partner (Single)

Industry leaders bringing you the hottest and latest innovations.

Featured Innovations (single)

Industry leaders bringing you the hottest and latest innovations.

Find out more and receive an offer tailored to your needs.

Fill in the form below and a member of our team will contact you.

At Easyfairs, we take your privacy seriously and will only use the information we collect or receive about you in accordance with our privacy policy. If you change your mind you can unsubscribe at any time.


We advise partners to include UTM links on all advertising directing to your websites- this means you can track website traffic and leads in your Google Analytics in real time over any date range. We provide reporting for:

(a) Solus email campaigns- these will be distributed post campaign.

(b) audience extension campaigns- you will be given an automated reporting link for audience extension campaigns, to monitor impressions and clicks throughout.

Premium pricing is reserved for the 3 months prior to our live event- this is because we see an influx of engagements from our community during this time frame.

Standard pricing refers to any time of the year excluding the 3 months before our event; you will target the same community throughout the year, but your promotion won’t be part of the extensive marketing campaign we execute before our events.

We can’t wait to get your campaign live. Give our team a call and book in the campaign or package you are looking to advertise with. We will let you know when the next available launch date is and inform you of the timeline and the process of getting your adverts live.

Tras más de diez años presentando la mejor oferta de proveedores de envases y soluciones de envasado, así como, un completo programa de conferencias, Empack  Madrid se ha consolidado como el evento anual de referencia para la comunidad del packaging.

Se trata del punto de encuentro donde miles de profesionales se reúnen para intercambiar ideas, comprobar los avances de la industria, hacer contactos y descubrir productos innovadores. ¿Quieres acceder a las últimas tendencias en maquinaria y tecnología de envasado, embalaje, etiquetado, impresión de envases y consumibles? Descubre de primera mano todo lo que Empack ofrece.

Mejora la eficiencia y la rentabilidad de tu negocio: reserva tu agenda. ¡Te esperamos!

Añade la fecha a tu calendario:

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Easyfairs’ safety statement

Easyfairs está trabajando activamente en planes y protocolos de seguridad y sanidad para asegurar que nuestros eventos sean espacios seguros para que las comunidades se reúnan y hagan negocios en los meses y años próximos. Estamos invirtiendo en una amplia gama de soluciones, desde el aumento de los procedimientos de higiene hasta la tecnología para facilitar el distanciamiento social y un nivel de salubridad impecable. Easyfairs hará todo lo que sea necesario para preservar la salud y la seguridad de su personal, expositores y visitantes de todas las formas posibles.

Discover the numbers from the last edition


Every edition, more professionals trust Empack and the numbers show it.
You will have a new opportunity to unite with the future of the industry and the packaging community, in November this year.

+ 300
+ 300
+ 2
Keynote Speakers


Servicios de embalaje Aranco

Media Partners


Empack offers you a full programme of presentations and panels where industry experts share their knowledge and present current topics. You can take a look at what happened last year, but we anticipate that in this edition we will continue to surprise you with new trends and solutions.

Contact with the team

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